I express the emotions I have in the hospital through different artistic manifestations

Experience didáctica:
'I express the emotions I have
in the hospital throughiss
of different manifestations artísticas'

Julia Fernández Rodríguez
Aula Hospitalaria Xeral-Cíes del CHU de Vigo

After a while working in a Hospital Classroom, I realized
that what emerges most in sick boys and girls is their emotions.
I was also aware that the things that most distracted and helped them
to relax were the plastic, musical, theatrical and
artistic in general.

Our students are sick, often with serious ailments. It is
locked up in a place other than his usual environment. Feel fear, sadness,
anguish, anxiety, anger, rage, grief, despair, nervousness,
worry, loneliness, suspicion, etc. If in any school it is
It is essential to educate in emotions to avoid destructive behaviors and
to make the students happier, it is clear that here, in the face of all this
cascade of emotions that are having, we will have to take advantage of the amount of
free time for admitted boys and girls to be recognized
the emotions they are feeling and use them as motivation for the
artistic creation. We work with those emotions to be able to regulate them
and do not get into hysterical behaviors or depressed states. If we succeed
that in difficult situations such as illness and hospitalization the
Emotions can be handled to feel a little better, we will be
helping a lot to be able to handle them and be happier when
return to their normal lives. If we also manage to wake up the
sensitivity and enjoyment of artistic manifestations, we will be able to improve your
psychological state, which will also affect their recovery when it is
be possible.

That's why I set out to develop this project with which I know
they try to use the emotions that appear in the boys and girls
sick as a resource for them to express themselves through different languages: a
through oral or written word, music, painting or other activities
plastic arts and through theatrical expression with puppets. At the same time
try to get to know part of our artistic and cultural heritage
Autonomous Community and humanity in general, encouraging sensitivity
before different languages and artistic manifestations and relating the
contemplation or listening to works of art with the emotions that they

Art is emotion: emotion that can produce contemplation or
listen to a work of art and emotion that we can express or manifest to
through our own artistic productions. The project was developed
with boys and girls between the ages of six and 15 and
it had, for its implementation, the collaboration of two entities
citizens such as the Museum of Contemporary Art of the city of Vigo (MARCO) and
the Professional Conservatory of Music of the same city of Pontevedra. Also
two professors specializing in traditional and popular music collaborated

The overall goal is to make music, the visual arts,
stories and puppets help to express and regulate emotions
in sick children encouraging their creativity.

The method of working with emotions follows a sequence:

1. A first contact with the emotional state of the children and
Sick girls and their families on the visit early in the morning
is performed in each room.

2º Already in the Classroom, after having performed with each boy or girl the
work proposed by your Center of Origin, we present using
different techniques or games to do it and where they always appear
emotions we have.

3º If there is an 'emotional urgency', I mean by some 
boy or girl is especially nervous, scared or angry at some
test, operation or circumstance that caused this emotion,
We use worksheets designed specifically to work situations that are
They often go to the hospital and they can produce intense emotions
they can lead to uncontrolled behaviors.

4º If there is no emotional urgency, we work with emotions
that we have through stories, the visual arts, music and
the puppets.

5º We show the work done to others by communicating what
we want to express, express how we feel after performed and
We study together what helps us feel better.

The activities carried out were many and varied. We will describe
some of them and we will group them in four sections according to the demonstration
predominant artistic:

Activities to express emotions through music

From a selection of fragments of classical music from the Baroque
up to Stravinsky, we did numerous auditions in which we used a tab
developed specifically to delve into the emotional world from the
music listened to.

We used the soundtrack of the movie Amelìe to see what emotions
they can convey certain songs to us and reflect on themselves
certain times, rhythms, instruments, intensities and major and minor modes
they are always associated with the same emotional character. Then we do
our own sad song and our happy song.

We did the 'Moonlight' activity, which consisted of telling them to
the boys and girls who were going to listen to two songs and in both the title
it bore the word moon. Then, after listening to the pieces of
Debussy and Beethoven answer a series of questions about the
related to the musical aspect and the emotions it gives you
produces your listening. They had to give each one a title knowing that
the moon appears on it and finally they have to draw what each one suggests to them
one of the two works. At the end there is a talk to comment and
teach the result of our audition.

We auditioned for traditional music and worked on emotions
from it following the model sheet prepared for that purpose.

We celebrate the Carnival party at the hospital following the design that
we elaborate of this activity within the celebrations of the annual cycle of the
Galician popular culture and its relationship with the expression of the emotional world.
We learned what the traditional Carnival was like in Galicia and the music and songs that
they were made to tell situations that had happened during the year. We build
our 'trumpets' or 'cazús' with reeds, we composed songs talking about ours
situation inside the hospital and how we felt, disguised e
We did our private parade through the hallways of the plant singing
our songs. Families also participated in part of the activity and
the medical staff.

We developed in the hospital, also within the parties of the cycle
Galician popular culture and its relationship with the emotional world,
the so-called 'May' festival. This holiday is celebrated on
earlier that month. It is usually made of ornate conical compositions
with plants and flowers and they dance and sing around these compositions
songs explaining situations or emotional states of the people. The cone in the
We had to decorate the hospital with flowers and leaves made by ourselves
boys and girls, who in their songs expressed their emotional situation and their

We study the most common instruments of traditional music and
popular Galician for, from live auditions in which they sounded
these instruments, work with emotions and other aspects following
the file prepared for that purpose.

We study instruments and music from the five continents so that the
boys and girls made a comparative study from the point of view of

We conducted an instrument construction workshop from
waste and natural materials.

The students of the Professional Conservatory of Music of Vigo made us
a presentation of the main instruments that are part of a
orchestra. He explained to us what family each of them belonged to and they played with
us: we played pieces and then, by the bell of the
instrument or for the work they played and how they played it, we commented on what
emotion produced us or, conversely, the hospital students expressed their emotions
that they had and the one of the conservatory played with its instrument a piece that
could reflect this emotion.

To achieve states of relaxation we use instruments such as
Tibetan bowls, rain sticks, ocean drums, etc. Making them sound
we managed to relax.

We played a lot of music to express how we felt
or simply to relieve us.

Together with the students of the Composition Techniques class
Applied to the Didactics of the Professional Conservatory of Music we develop
Dutitca's activity (means reverse attitude). This activity consisted
in telling a story of a girl named Dutitca who was running out of hair and
Every morning when I looked in the mirror I went through a moment of pessimism, but
she immediately changed her attitude and optimism invaded her, leaving her all gone
happy. The students of the Conservatory made their own composition for each
part of the story, the hospital students performed optimistic rhythms or
pessimistic depending on the time and also the special effects. The story is over
with the phrase: “The important thing is not to wait for the storm to pass, but
learn to dance in the rain. ”

The activity 'Unknown Princesses' consisted of each girl and boy
of the hospital associated his emotion with a character, in this case princesses, already
then he elaborated his biography and the drawing of the same. The students of the
Conservatory composed a piece of music for each of the princesses. One day
We put it all together in the hospital and invited families and staff

'El Sonido del Color Emocionado', in Galician 'O son da cor emocionada',
it was another activity that we did together with the students of the Conservatory.
It consisted of associating each emotion with a color and from there making one
plastic composition and other written. The students of the Conservatory composed
works for every color and emotion. At the hospital we put it all together, playing the
Conservatory students behind a color screen
the one we were working with. We once again invite families.

From listening to excerpts from some classic works, such as Las
four Vivaldi stations, the boys and girls of the Hospital associated with
emotions this music and also at times of the year. Then they performed
murals suggested to them by music. They also searched the net for images
composition of those murals.

Activities to express emotions through art

With the help of the Pedagogical Team of the Museum of Contemporary Art of
the city (MARCO), we visualize
slides about the Museum to observe it and then develop a
talk about how it is, what it is for, what we can do in it, what we know
they consider works of art. The idea was to bring the Museum closer to the Hospital, since
we couldn't go to him.

We were observing in different sessions slides of works and
facilities that were at that time in the Museum and from there
we worked on the emotion they produced in us and the why of that emotion.
After viewing through different slides
facilities dedicated to magic, we make dolls and decorate them. A
Then we put in it writings with our emotions and desires.
These dolls were related to magical thinking.

Another plastic work related to the exhibition on magic that
There was in the Museum was the elaboration of small plays with characters and objects that
they were a reflection of how we didn't feel. In the end we saw them through the light
black so that they were also magical and we told what each one meant

After observing paintings on display in the Museum, we worked
our own compositions of shapes and colors. We study the color and the
hue, we associated each color with an emotion and made compositions
plastic and written with them. After verbalizing the emotion that
we felt, we tried to translate it into a quick drawing. We expressed through one
phrase how we felt and from it we were stretching the letters up
make a plastic composition of colors and shapes. We turned the emotion
that a character invaded us and from there we elaborated his portrait and his
biography. We made self-portraits where emotion was expressed in the expression
which predominated in us at that time.

Activities to express emotions through stories and
written expression

From the excitement we were working on, we searched the net
some story related to it, we read it and created a debate about it.
We make a selection of stories for emotions and web pages where they are
they can find stories classified by emotions or values.
After reading them we work on the stories themselves (cover, text,
illustrations, back cover, characters, situations) and about emotions
that we have and how we can regulate them. For this we elaborate
different tokens.

We make our own stories with illustrations from the
emotions we feel inside the hospital. We write poetry from
of the emotion we felt. We write words or phrases expressing it
emotion we felt and then we drew them and made postcards with

Activities to express emotions through puppets

With a wide variety of puppets, each child chooses one of them
that you believe can represent the emotion you are feeling. Then the puppet speaks
telling how it is, why, etc. The teacher is asking questions to the
We write stories or stories expressing how we feel or how
we are inside the hospital. Then we learn to place it as a text
theatrical and we make glove dolls that we use for the performance.
Finally, we represent her with music and special effects.

With this experience we work together for the best way to
express our emotions without hurting ourselves, being respectful of them
others and trying to create positive attitudes towards life despite the
difficulties we may go through.

* The development of this Project has been awarded a first prize
of Educational Innovation Projects of the Galician Autonomous Community and also
with a Crearte award from the Ministry of Culture

Julia Fernández Rodríguez
Aula Hospitalaria Xeral-Cíes del CHU de Vigo

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