As wikipedia says, "Fear is an emotion that serves to warn us of a possible danger."
But when fear is irrational, it itself becomes a danger, then we are talking about pathological fears.
This course with my students we are doing a little work on fear. One of the resources we are using is puppets.
Fears of puppets don’t hurt, they don’t touch us directly. Many fears of puppets resemble ours but are easier to verbalize. In this way we are able to face them and give remedies to overcome them.
Students have improvised with two characters. Among them they wondered why they were afraid and looked for solutions to overcome it.
Here are two small scenes invented by the children themselves.

 THE WITCH AND THE MOON. A 4th grader and a 3rd grader (students with autism spectrum)

WITCH: What are you afraid of, Moon?
MOON: To explode. And you witch, what are you afraid of?
WITCH: I'm afraid the lights will go out. 
                   And you don’t have to be afraid because I’ll cast a spell and you won’t explode.
MOON: Then I will make you light and you will not be afraid of the dark.

And they both became very friendly.


THE MOON AND THE DRAGON. A 3rd grader and a 2nd grader 
(students with conduct disorder, concentration problems and low self-esteem)

 MOON: Dragon, what are you afraid of?
 DRAGON: Let a knight come and kill me.
 MOON: Well, if you eat a lot of bread, you won't want to eat the knight and he won't want to kill you.
 DRAGON: And what are you afraid of, Luna?
 MOON: To be afraid.
 DRAC: You don't have to be afraid, because fear doesn't exist!

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