2. OPEN CLASSROOM Project3rd ESO Second Term. Courses 2005/08
In front
mine had a group of teenagers at a thousand revolutions, like any other
tutor of the center, with a difference; were excluded students from the
education system because they did not measure up in attitudes or
learning, I from the tenderness of the teaching profession the
I call students from RODALIES, short-distance students who
they are sometimes called second-rate, doomed to school failure
for problems in the catenary, because they never learn on time, for
go at a slower pace than expected and to stop where there is no station
to stop.
These students have a very hard time in a very narrow educational and curricular framework,
they are students of the school and for them it is worth finding
strategies that another education is possible, one must learn to educate
from the eyes of the heart, from the tenderness to give opportunities with
positive and enthusiastic messages, new ways to learn, giving one
framework of confidence, knowing how to wait without haste, having patience a
the time to expect results, knowing how to listen, leaving it for another
day, putting the mobile slats at your fingertips, ..
students in the neighborhood believe that he / she has a chance to
do something more than ring bells or bother right and left
any member of the educational community, is a challenge, a job
of personal enrichment, of trust with the teachers who believe in
them, to take out everything that cooks them inside, as they say "The bad rolls" .
local teachers need to change their attitudes, to educate them from the beginning
the basis of dialogue, communication, negotiation, setting boundaries,
ultimately mark a path for them, where they can leave theirs
footprint, to show them that so far it has been good for them to be in the
sidewalk and pass all the opportunities, now they can do it again
way with us and the project, we count on them.
At first it costs.
They just can’t believe the offer you’re giving them, they’re afraid of
trust them because they are used to the fact that in the end adults fail them.
The first days, the first quarter, it's hard to see results. The teachers we are discouraged,
when one collapses the other gives him encouragement and recipes that are due to him
worked, but little by little the students get stuck, it's so easy! .Yes
you really trust them, you prove it to them with yours
way of being and acting and you are able to give them time to be able to do
this change, they do not hesitate to make their way back into the project.
a pedagogical language that is very far from their world and in which
they feel out of place. Really if we are able to give consistency in
our way of acting in our attitudes and we do not give in to the
first change, little by little, the students again see that there is
someone who wants to help them as a person, they start trusting an adult
that he expects nothing in return but that what he wants is to help them throw
forward to have expectations for the future. From now on you can
provide them with a handful of personal resources, self-esteem, assertiveness,
trust, education in values, social skills, mediation of
conflicts,… which are within their reach
But in order to see a change in the attitudes of the students, they must have been surprised, as teachers of RODALIES with exciting educational projects, in front of those who are curious and it is from this pedagogical perspective that the project of creating one comes out PUPPET COMPANY with teenage students, labeled students with school failure.
from this moment and from the project the students are helped a
take your glasses out of the deficit, out of something that doesn't work, out of the
disabled and put on the new glasses of potential
trying to deploy all their capabilities in the most effective way
possible: educating from diversity, with expectations for the future.
… Students have a feeling that they have grown inside
hard to express at the moment, but that over the years not them
no one will take it, it will be part of those endearing memories of the
years in high school why have seven actors and actresses for a few days,
each with a unique and transferable role able to feel
essential that has made them grow in personal satisfaction,
capacity building, loss of sense of ridicule, cohesion of
And each of them has contributed their bit to the show. In thespontaneity, thequietness, the constancy, the overcoming effort, thesafet, la capacity, the calm, the illusion, the opening, the personality, the serenity, theoptimism,the firmness, . What professional wouldn’t want to work with such a fantastic showmaker?
everywhere, where they have gone to present the show, they have been waiting for them with
candles, have felt the excitement of the little ones, their worries and
above all, han they have been applauded.
Ah do you want me to tell you a secret? … They have felt important, that of being the protagonists for a few days who does not like !!
Sant Jordi of “bowling” in the primary schools of the region of the
Ripollès, representing a storytelling show with elaborate puppets
by the students themselves.
PERSONAL AREA1. Improve self-esteem
2. Strengthen responsibilities
3. Learn to resolve conflicts
4. Facilitate teamwork
5. Educate in the values of respect, tolerance and dialogue
6. Taste the taste of volunteering
7. Enjoy the emotional rewardsLINGUISTIC FIELD8. Express oneself orally in an orderly and fluent manner
9. Express oneself in writing correctly and consistently.
10. Use non-verbal language as a means of communication
11. Have the ability to communicate with childrenSOCIAL AND NATURAL AREA12. Know the traditional stories
13. Rework and invent stories
14. Get to know the popular festivals of Catalonia
15. Discover the profession of puppeteer
16. Get to know the surrounding schoolsMATHEMATICAL, ARTISTIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL AREA17.Design a project in its stages
18.Create the puppets, their costumes and the puppet.
1.- We agree
2.- Let's go to work
3.- We thread the needle, What an adventure !!
4.- We make the puppets
5.- We make the wink and the sets
6.- We read and become familiar with the stories
7.- We introduce ourselves in schools
8.- We program the calendar of actions
9.- Let's start rehearsing. The day of the premiere is approaching, What nerves !!
10.- The premiere
11.- A success !! We feel very important !!
12.- Do we repeat it again?
Neighboring students have been proud to be so because they have felt on their own skin